Stress Relief During Covid-19
Practicing Wellness while in a stressful situation
Self-care morning and night
Doing at the most 15 minutes of self-care day and night can increase your wellbeing, especially in these stressful times. Whether that’s cuddling with a pet, doing a skin care routine, drinking a cup of coffee or listening to some music, basically anything that brings you peace and happiness. Even if you only have 5 minutes in a day to take a second and breathe, it is always worth it.
Breathing for stress relief
Taking a minute or two a day to stop and take a deep breathe is another full proof way to release stress and relax. There is a method of breathing called 4-7-8 breathing where you breathe in for 4 counts, hold for 7 and release the breath for 8 counts for at least four times. Doing these 4 or more times a day is guaranteed to slow down your heart beat and relax the body to ensure a less stressful day.
Moving and Stretching
Getting up and moving around a couple times a day at least can help release stress and nerves throughout the day. It also helps to boost immunity and keep yourself healthy when that might not always be possible. Going outside for 15 minutes of fresh air can help give you vitamin D and just taking notice of the world can help.