Bringing in the New Year!
As one year ends and a new one comes around, RiverCourt Residences welcomes you to the New Year. With a new year comes New Year’s resolutions, and a look back if you kept those of the year prior. It is said that the ancient Babylonians were the first to make New Year’s resolutions some 4,000 years ago. Although they took it a bit more serious to where the Babylonians would make promises to the gods, and if broken they would fall out of the gods’ favor forever. And while it is likely that if you don’t keep your New Year’s resolutions from the year before that you would be shunned forever, sometimes it is a bit disappointing when they don’t come to fruition in the end. Instead, just give yourself these 3 affirmations and thoughts throughout the year:
“It’s okay if I don’t accomplish everything this year, I can finish it next year.”
“I wasn’t as healthy/worked out as much as I should have this year. But that’s okay if I am mentally happy that is what should truly matter.”
“What I couldn’t accomplish this year was not life ending, is not the end of the world and can be finished at a later date.”
A New Year’s resolution was primarily a tradition from the western world, but it was also found in the Eastern World where each person would resolve to continue good practices or to accomplish a goal from the past year.
The best way to either not disappoint yourself at the end of the year or to actually make your resolutions is to not set such high goals for yourself. In the end creating such high expectations for yourself will only bring disappointment and negativity into the new year. To stop this from happening the best thing to do is to create smaller and more attainable goals for yourself to complete.
For example, instead of promising yourself that you will lose a certain amount of weight by the end of the year, just make more attainable goals by eating a few more fruits and vegetables a week, or taking one more walk a week then you have been. Taking more daunting less attainable goals and breaking them down into more achievable motivations can help build up your motivation to eventual goals that you can achieve by the end of the year.
From our RiverCourt Family to yours,
Have a wonderful New Year and stay safe during these tough times.