Enjoy the weekend and come back refreshed to join us at RiverCourt for some exci

Enjoy the weekend and come back refreshed to join us at RiverCourt for some exciting events! Just a reminder….

*Sept 6th Presentation-Kristen Dixon Keilty Occupational Therapist and Driving Instructor Emerson Hospital’s Center for Rehabilitation and Sport’s Therapies
“Who Me? Thoughts on Driver Education, Driver Rehabilitation and Driver Retirement”-

*Sept 13th Presentation-Robbin Baczewski, Caregiver Coach, Owner of Essentially Healthy-
“Release Stress, Embrace Energy”

*Sept 19th- “Virtual Dementia Tour” Via Senior Helpers-
“Your Window Into Their World”. Interactive Experience

*Sept 28th-“Community Blood Pressure Clinic” provided by Nashoba Nursing and Hospice 10:30am at RiverCourt

More events to come! Stay tuned on how to prepare for your future decisions via a panel of local experts!

Please see our events tabs to learn about how to RSVP and for more details on each event, feel free to also call 978-448-4122×222 for any questions!

