Earth Day Celebration | April 2022

On April 22nd of this year, Earth Day is once again celebrated to protect the planet from environmental disasters like pollution and deforestation and overall environmental protection. Earth day was first implemented in the 1960’s by Senator Gaylord Nelson when he stated that he was worried that environmental issues were not being addressed in a […]

New Employee: Ian, Maintenance

Ian is our other newest maintenance employee here at RiverCourt, also starting his full time position this past January. He started painting with Dave in RiverCourt 2 years ago and the rest is history. Ian has been working in the trade field for 20 years and has always enjoyed trying to solve problems and issues. […]

Tips for Staying Hydrated During the Day

Our bodies are made up of nearly 60% water, so when your body gets dehydrated, it doesn’t know how to function and energy levels can decrease dramatically. Not only does your energy decrease, but your digestion can become unregular and even your immunity can be compromised. Especially now during the pandemic, it’s more important than […]